Saturday, May 17, 2008

Assignment 4 counter arguement

When i originally started to write this paper i believed that the fence was a good idea, But as i did more research i fornd that there are other ways to prevent immigration without spending billions on a fence that would only work half of the time. so in actuallity my counter arguement turned out to be my paper.

Tortilla Curtain Ending

I believe that the ending of the book does show a bright future for not only Los Angles and California, but for the rest of the country. I think if we did just wat Candido did to Delaney we would all be better off. If we put aside our differences and try to help one another then i believe that the future is bright. Because when you look at it everyone is just trying to survuve and if we can help eachother that it will make it easier for everyone.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tortilla Curtain

At first i dinnt think that i would like this book, but as i began to get deeper into the story the more i began to like it. i kept trying to find who i thought was the protagonist and who was the antagonist but i count not determine which set of couples where to blame. What i came to conclude is that neither in good nor bad, they are just peole influenced by the situations that they are put in. they are just trying to survive and make it in life. sure America and ber husband have it harder that Delaney and his wife but they are both faced with many difficult situations that sometimes force them to do things that are out of their control. In fact these two couples have almost nothing else in common except the trials that their environment puts through. If Delaney hand not hit Candido with his cat they would not be connected in any way.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Drinking-Changed Mind

Since i have been doing all of this research on lowering the drinking age it has made me reconsider a lot of things. But i have not changed my stance on the issue. I still believe that the drink age should be lowered and youth should be able to be introduced to responsible drinkint at the right age. I also believe that it should be up to the individual state to decide what they believe is that "right" age.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Boys and toys

I would have to say that i agree with the author of boys just want to make war. As a child you could give me any toy rathe rit be a barbie or a stick, by the time i was done with it, it looked like a soldier and it was going to save the country. Its not that boys are violent. I think that it is just what they like to to. Yes, some of it is what they see around them but most of it is natural and it is what they enjoy to do

Lowering the drinking age

This has to be the hot topic for anyone who has heard of it. i cannot think of any 18 yearold who would not like to see the drinking age lowered. I must say that iI would tent to agree with most of them. there is so much drinking that goes on behind closed doors and in garages that is really makes no difference what the drinking age is. It all comes down to self choice, it is so easy to get your hands on a case of beer that on a friday night most high school kids are out drinking, and because they cant do it legally they feel that they must take advantage of the oppertunity, so they get drunk out of their mind. i think that if the drinking age was lowered people would see kids that are much more relaxed and focused. For example look at europe everyone drinks when they are 18 because they are considered adults. I believe that if you can sight a legal document, go to war, and get married you should be able to have a drink.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I would have to say that one of the most memorable toys i played with as a child where Legos. Some people believe that they are a gender neutral toy, but i begg to differ. If you take a look at most of the things that they let you build it is mostly Space Ships and castles. I liked them so much because they where fun and they taught you to think and reason, but they where fun to play with because once you put them together you could travel the Galexy or rescue the Princess. I believe the reason that so many people wanted their kids to play with these is because it taught you to think and reason, which helpes to make you smarter. I don't think that there is sterotype assoiated with the toy but they are steared to young boys because those are your future engineers and critical thinkers that need to have developed thinking skills.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Roman Fever- Irony

For a story that is based upon irony it has become very difficult to choose the most ironic part of the story, but i would have to say that the most ironic part is when Alida Slade writes a letter to Grace Ansley telling her to meet Delphin Slade (Alida's fiance) at the Coleseum for a romantic meeting. The setup for this scene occurs when Alida tells the story of her great Aunt who sent her younger sister out at night to gather a rare night blooming flower, when in fact she sent her out because she wants to be with the man that they both loved. The younger sister dies and the aunt and her suitor are free to be together. This is ironic because history seens to repeat its self when Alida writes the letter to Grace hoping for the same result. She wants Grace to become sick so she is out of the way of her marriage. All of these years Alida believed that her trick had worked because Grace became sick shortly after going to the Coloseum, but what she does not know is that Grace had written a letter back to Delphin telling him that she would see him there. So, Grace went to the Coloseum where she met him. The reason i chose this is because this sets up so much more in the story, Grace gets married soon after because she is pregnant to a total stranger, Alida believes that she is superior because she thinks she has gotten rid of Grace. In actuality Alida has given Grace the only thing she wanted, to be with Delphin and have his child.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Getting Started

Dummy post. oh how much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!